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Nancy thought she won hands-down. Looks like she could be out of a job soon. If there was one person behind the government shutdown, ...

Report: Post-Shutdown Poll Reveals The Floor Just Dropped Out Under Pelosi

Nancy thought she won hands-down. Looks like she could be out of a job soon.

If there was one person behind the government shutdown, it was Nancy Pelosi.
The corrupt, insider politician shut down the government just to keep our border weak.
Even Democrats were turning on her before Trump reopened the government.

The media kept trying to make her out as a hero. But Americans were not fooled.

From Twitter:
More NBC/WSJ poll: Pelosi’s negatives shot up during government shutdown more than any pol // now the most unpopular politician tested in the survey.
SHARE if you’re already set to vote in the 2020 RED WAVE to throw out Pelosi!
Pelosi was willing to harm the entire nation, just to let border jumpers enter our country, and now her approval rating of -19 is proving America wants a secure border.
She didn’t care about Americans or federal workers. The only thing that mattered to her was obstructing Trump’s plan to protect our borders.
The doddering, confused, corrupt woman was willing to damage our government, in ways we might not realize until months to come.
All to undermine the Commander in Chief.
Most of the Democrats went along with her. They didn’t care about federal employees losing pay. Or the millions of Americans who suffering from our open border.
It’s like they want crime to increase in our country. Pathetic.
What does Pelosi think will happen in 2020? Does she think this will help her party? I think not.
Americans have had a taste of Pelosi as Speaker, and they’re disgusted by it. Don’t think they’ll let it happen again.
Americans will not forget the Democrats tried to derail our country to protect border jumpers. They are going to have a bad two years ahead of them.
SHARE if you’re already set to vote in the 2020 RED WAVE to throw out Pelosi!
Source: Twitter

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