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Good try, CNN – now your turn! CNN picked a fight with President Trump. They lost bigtime. For over two years, they pushed groundless...

After CNN Fails To Take Down Trump, Donald Drops His ‘Fire’ Hammer

Good try, CNN – now your turn!
CNN picked a fight with President Trump. They lost bigtime.
For over two years, they pushed groundless theories about Trump. They invited corrupt “experts” who predicted he would be impeached over the Mueller report.
Then the Mueller report came out and cleared Trump’s name. CNN had an epicamount of egg on their faces.
What happened next? CNN’s rating tanked. And that is coming at a HUGE cost.
From Fox News:
Sanjay Gupta is safe, but much of the rest of CNN’s Atlanta-based staff that covers health care found out Tuesday they are getting pink slips — only a few weeks after the network called mass layoffs a “crazy rumor.”
Specific details were not yet known, but a source told Fox News that “basically the whole division” will lose their jobs.
Farewell, CNN, we hardly knew ye!
Maybe this is what you get when your company becomes associated with an extension of the Democrat party.
CNN has been the leader in sliming Trump with bogus stories, rumors, and outright attacks.
But their ratings are plummeting, and it seems like CNN is desperate to keep the ship afloat.
So to stay alive, they’ve got to cut, cut, and cut some more. Soon there won’t be much left.
While we don’t celebrate people losing their jobs, it’s hard not to see why this is happening.
If CNN had focused on accurate news—they could have stayed a leader in American journalism.
They didn’t. CNN has become a laughingstock to millions of Americans. After all, they don’t chant “CNN Sucks” for no reason.
Now that “crazy rumor” about massive layouts is becoming a reality.
And who do we have to thank for it? President Trump. No other president has ever called them out like he did. And look where they are now.
Maybe Jeff Zucker will start pushing real news from now on, instead of his anti-Trump agenda.
But I won’t hold my breath.
SHARE to thank President Trump for taking CNN down!
Source: Fox News

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