Sean Hannity just made a very accurate prediction about the coming scandal that will ruin the Democratic party.
If Sean is right, and remember he gets his information straight from President Trump, the blowback and payback on those who sought to undermine a duly elected president will be brutal.
This will be like nothing we have ever seen. Hannity says their newsrooms will be ‘shaking at the foundation’ when the depths of the spying scandal is revealed in the coming investigations.
From Teaparty: For the past year FOX News host Sean Hannity has been investigating and reporting on the Obama deep state spying on the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.
Sean and his guests including Gregg Jarrett, Sara Carter, John Solomon, and many others have pieced together the largest political scandal in modern US history. The Obama administration used all of the power of government to spy on and entrap Trump campaign officials.
Unfortunately for the left, during this same time they were listening to the anti-Trump fake news media and saw one Russia-collusion conspiracy after another unravel during the same time period.
On Monday Sean Hannity warned that Democrats are going to be hit so hard by the Obama administration spying scandal that their newsrooms will be shaking at the foundation.
President Trump spoke to Fox News host Sean Hannity Thursday evening about the ongoing Spygate scandal.
Sean Hannity asked President Trump if he will declassify the Carter Page FISA docs and other pertinent Russia records related to Spygate.
The President promptly responded, “Yes.”
“Yes. Everything is gonna be declassified and more — much more than what you just mentioned — it will all be declassified,” Trump said, adding, “And I’m glad I waited because I thought that maybe they would obstruct if I did it early and I think I was right, so I’m glad I waited and now the Attorney General can take a very strong look at whatever it is.
Trump continued, “It will be declassified and more than what you just mentioned.”