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It all comes down to 1 factor… We can’t get around the fact that 2020 is just around the corner. Democrats are spending lots of time a...

Top Forecasters Predict 2020 Outcome – And It’s A Landslide

It all comes down to 1 factor…

We can’t get around the fact that 2020 is just around the corner. Democrats are spending lots of time and money already campaigning.
And all the signs are pointing to a big win for one party.
As complex as elections can be (you all remember 2016, right?), it always boils down to just one thing. How well is the party in power doing?

And the forecast is loud and clear about Trump.
From Axios:
Steven Rattner, “car czar” and counselor to the Treasury secretary in the Obama administration, cites three different modelers in his N.Y. Times commentary, “Trump’s Formidable 2020 Tailwind.”
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
Feels bad, huh Democrats? New York Times’ major forecasters give Trump a major landslide in 2020.
The biggest factor? Trump’s incredible success with the economy.
The massive growth of our economy has little to do with Obama’s eight years. Consumer confidence surged when Trump won.
Companies were excited to see a pro-business man in the White House. And Trump’s victories by slashing taxes and regulations set us on a course to win.
And that’s not even mentioning his landmark trade deals and ruthless tariff tactics.
All that adds up to an unprecedented American economy. Growth rates of the GDP and low inflation are proving one thing: Trump’s agenda is working.
Modelers also looked at the historical fact that sitting presidents always have an advantage. Trump has proven his skill at leadership in his first term.
Plenty of Americans will want him to continue his winning for another four years.
When writers for the New York Times admit a big landslide, you know it has to be true. New York Times has no reason to “help” Trump. They admit these facts through gritted teeth.
The rest of America, though, can celebrate. A man who is making America great again is sure to win reelection.
Of course, that will only happen if every last patriot gets out and votes and shows their support.
SHARE if you’re on the 2020 Trump train!
Source: Axios

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