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Joy Behar crossed the line of good taste and fair politics and took multiple cheap shots at President Trump and the entire Republican Par...

Joy Behar Crosses Line, Accuses Trump and GOP of Not Caring About Children’s Education

Joy Behar crossed the line of good taste and fair politics and took multiple cheap shots at President Trump and the entire Republican Party today.
Joy made the astounding claim that Trump, his administration, and the GOP don’t care about children’s education and only care about re-electing President Trump.
Meghan McCain took issue with the accusation and promptly shut down Joy but the damage was done.
“You know what really is making — amusing me today, is this idea that the Republican Party cares about education. They have been spending the last few decades defunding education, and they think that we’re going to believe this baloney that they’re throwing at us now that they care about our children? Give me a break. Donald Trump only cares about getting reelected. Full stop,” Behar said.
McCain, the daughter of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain, shot back at her fellow co-host by arguing that both parties are to blame for the lack of a complete strategy for returning students to schools.
“I don’t think it’s fair to say Republicans don’t care about children. I mean, I think that’s very aggressive and incendiary,” she said.

Behar clarified that she was talking about Republicans caring about education, not children generally. McCain noted that this was not the first time that her co-hosts had singled out Republicans for problems that span both parties.
“I think what’s exhausting is coming on the show every day and being told that Republicans don’t care about anything. We just want people to die. We want children not to be educated and nothing matters. This is a crisis in this country right now,” McCain said.
“I have friends who have been calling me absolutely panicked that their kids not being able to go back to work and go back to school in September, and we all have to collectively come together and stop coming into this show every Monday after a break and saying, ‘Oh, it’s Republicans’ fault.’ It’s not.
This is America’s problem, and yes, there’s a lot of blame to be placed at Trump’s feet, but we can all collectively take blame right now,” she added.

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