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What’s Happening: This week, “squad” member Ilhan Omar shocked Americans when she announced she wanted to dismantle America’s economic...

Democrat Squad Members Introduce Reform Bill – They Are Going After Your Police And Taxes

What’s Happening:

This week, “squad” member Ilhan Omar shocked Americans when she announced she wanted to dismantle America’s economic and political systems, citing racism.
Now two more members of the so-called squad of far-left Democrats, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, have introduced a new proposal. Riding on the wave of anti-police sentiment among activists, the bill aims to defund police, abolish ICE, and give reparations.
And that’s only for starters:
Two congressional “squad” members unveiled a wide-ranging proposal Tuesday to defund police departments and establish a reparations program for African Americans and people harmed by the police and the criminal justice system…
Other provisions include abolishing surveillance tactics disproportionately used to target minority communities, electronic monitoring — including ankle monitors, smartphone apps and other tools — ending civil asset forfeiture, ending the “three strikes” law and repealing laws that criminalize illegal immigration.
With each passing year, it appears Democrats are becoming more and more radical with their platform and agenda. Democrats in the House fail to rein in the far-left of their party, allowing figures like Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley to push views that are only embraced by radical activist groups.
Their proposal seeks to eliminate basic tactics used by law enforcement to prevent crime, including ankle monitors for dangerous offenders and apps to track criminal activity. Also snuck into their proposal is the repeal of laws that criminalize illegal immigration.
Critics will be quick to call out this proposal as a wide-ranging attempt to reward dangerous criminals and weaken law and order. The Democrats seek to abolish ICE, a federal agency dedicated to protecting the United States’ border. They also want to provide “reparations” to black Americans as well as anyone they deem was “harmed” by police and the criminal justice system.
Reparations would most likely be procured from a significant increase in taxes on working Americans.
Although these Democrats are championing their proposal, they have not submitted legislation. Such a bill would be DOA within Congress. Perhaps leading Democrats would be unwilling to support such a plan.
But this proposal is a prediction of what will most certainly come in the future, as Democrats give way more and more to radical socialists. Should they gain the upper hand in Congress of the White House, proposals like this would quickly become law.

Key Takeaways:

  • Two members of the socialist “squad” of the House put forward a radical new proposal.
  • The plan would greatly defund police departments, abolish ICE, and give reparations.
  • Tlaib and Pressley are outspoken in their support of far-left, radical progressivism.
Source: Fox News

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